Re-engineering of complex shape parts for LWD/MWD and manufacturing with non-magnetic heat-resistant alloy

At the end of 2020, a customer contacted us with an urgent need to manufacture segments. The customer provided samples and specifications for the material — it must have high yield strength and be non-magnetic. We had to manufacture the segments within a month.
Heat-resistant steel 10X17H13M2T (EI448) was selected as the material for manufacturing, due to its high yield strength and non-magnetic properties.
To manufacture a small batch of segments, our engineers developed a 3D model, prepared a drawing specifying tolerances and technical requirements, and developed a technological process.

Tolerances and other parameters were determined on a counterpart. In addition, we needed to design and manufacture a tooling to cut a solid part into segments.
Segments are used in the LWD downhole telemetry system in electromagnetic field transmitters and receivers.
In small batch production, just as in full-scale production, all stages of production preparation must be passed. In addition, when an order is urgent, it is necessary to look for "gaps" in the production process. We should change our production timeline and include small batch production in the plan.

We managed to meet the deadline and, as the customer noted, our segments were of the same quality as the original parts supplied from abroad.
© Alliance of Technologies and Science, LLC, 2022
Alliance of Technologies and Science, LLC
Russian Federation, Moscow, #115230
Varshavskoe hwy, 42
Phone: +7 499 380 80 59
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