Manufacturing of mandrels of 168 mm pin diameter

The standard size of the mandrels is 89 mm pin diameter and less frequently 114 mm diameter.

In 2021 we've received a request to develop a mandrel with larger pin diameter — 168 mm. We had not produced a product with such a large pin diameter before, so we developed the mandrel from scratch.

The difficulty in mandrels manufacturing is that deep drilling and eccentricity turning must be ensured. We use equipment that is technically capable of deep hole drill up to a length of 12 m and a diameter of up to 180 mm. The eccentricity is performed on lathes using special equipment.
To produce the mandrels, we ordered material from a steelworks where a 300 mm diameter forged bar was produced. To order the material, we queued up to receive our bars. In addition, based on the requirements of the factory, we ordered a larger diameter bar because of the single requirement for mandrels with a pin diameter of 168 mm.
The grade of the material corresponds to L80 according to
GOST R 53366-2009 (ISO 11960:2004).
We have heat treated the material to ensure the strength requirements of the material. To control the absence of unacceptable internal defects of the bars, we carried out ultrasonic testing.

Only after that we carry out through-hole drilling, turning and milling. After machining, we performed magnetic particle and ultrasonic inspections of the products to ensure the integrity of the material after machining. The leak-proofness of the internal circuit is checked under a pressure of 800 atm using a hydraulic test stand designed and manufactured by us.

Also an important procedure was the premium threads cutting on the mandrel pins.

As a result, we promptly fulfilled the customer's requirements and produced a mandrel that will last in service for up to 15 years.
© Alliance of Technologies and Science, LLC, 2022
Alliance of Technologies and Science, LLC
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Varshavskoe hwy, 42
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